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Net Guide : Teaching Resources
SchoolWorld - a Global Internet Classroom for K-12 teachers and students.
NystromNet - a leading publisher of maps, globes, and innovative social studies and geography programs for students from kindergarten through college.
Exploring Where & Why - A hands-on, activity based Social Studies Program that helps primary students make the connections between their world and the world of others.
Creative Teaching Associates - Learning Games and Activities for K-12.
MiddleWeb - a site exploring the challenges of middle grades reform, and brimming with resources for educators and parents!
Recommended Books:
101 Grade a Resumes for Teachers
Teaching Study Skills and Strategies in College
Successful College Teaching : Problem-Solving Strategies of Distinguished Professors
Teaching in Today's Classrooms : Cases from Elementary School
Teaching Young Children
Teaching Strategies for Inclusive Class
Teaching in Today's Classrooms : Cases from Middle and Secondary School
Unauthorized Methods : Strategies for Critical Teaching